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Pharmacy Requests

Welcome to our Pharmacy Request Page

Use the below form to request refills for current prescriptions or to request certain non-prescription items we carry, like Dasuquin, Fortiflora, Cosequin, and more.

Simply specify if you want to swing by and pick it up, or if you would like us to ship to your door.


Since we know you and your pet, the form is simple - tell us who you are, which pet needs meds, and write up your request. If we have any questions, or need clarification, we'll get in touch.

For multiple pets, please file separate requests.

Pretty easy, right?!

Contact Information
First Name *
Last Name *
This number appears in parenthesis (1234) next to your name on existing prescriptions.
Address Line 1 *
City *
State/Province *
Postal Code *
Medication Request(s)
Note: if the requested medication is not eligible for refill, you will be contacted to discuss further action necessary.
Delivery or Pick Up?
Desired Action
How do you want us to fill this request?
An additional fee of $7 will be added to shipping requests. We will call you to take payment over the phone before your order is shipped.

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